20th April 2020

2.4 Planning TKAM ESSAY

‘Analyse how setting was used to reinforce an idea in the written text(s).’
Note: “Idea” may refer to character or theme

How the different settings of Maycomb each present the idea of the consumption prejudice can have on society and the minds of the people and how basic human nature can be overcome because of of years of engrained societal pressure.

the idea: the power of prejudice on peoples minds and behaviour- allows people to accept things that aren’t right, because they are used it, whereas a child is new to such atrocities so they see the clearer side, however the constant pressure of conforming to societal beliefs teaches the kids thee bad ways and they go on to teach their kids and becomes an inevitable cycle that needs change.

the human nature being the clear, no bias, non prejduice view the kids have before their mind poisoned by the idea that its ‘ok’ because they become used to it like the adutls who too easily accept it.

b1:Court (setting)- presents racial prejudice

this one shows the racial prejudice that all the residents of maycomb hold in each of the settings and how differently the kids react to things and see things simpley cos they are not used to it.

  • tom being belittled by the lawyer, dill shows sadness and uncomfort with the treatment tom recieves in comparsion to how everyone else is treated – Dill (kid) sees the atrocity of it (the treatment Tom recieves in the court setting because of racial prejudice- whcih also reflects overall setting of Maycomb) . Quote – “Well after all, he’s just a negro,” but Dill still says “I don’t care one speck. It ain’t right, somehow it ain’t right to do em that way.”
  • The jury convicts Tom guilty at the court house. clear evidence of his innocence however his fate was already decided by the racial prejudice (pre judges ideas of his ‘race’ and his capability of such a crime because he is black and what they believed ‘anamalistic’) held by everyone in the court room- as audience almost don’t see his inevitable fate until its decided BECAUSE we see the court scene through Scout’s eyes (a child, with a non bias, non-prejudice view on the situation). HIs defence to helping her- Quote- “…felt right sorry for her, she seemed to try more’n the rest of ‘em-”. – causes discomfort for the people in the court because meant a black man had better intention than white woman- unbelievable for the white society of maybcomb.
  • Atticus “To begin with, this case should have never have come to trial. This case is as simple as black and white.”. the irony is that it really is a case of black and whit. a case of prejudice vs facts. prejudice so engrained that it beat facts- a sad result of the damaging effect prejudice has on minds.

b2: Maycomb overall separated social hierachy (setting)- classism

  • Maycomb as a whole is separted- Jem who is bit order than scout, therefore more time to have been brainwashed -quote- “There’s four kinds of folks in the world. The ordinary kind like us and the neighbors… the Cunningams… the Ewells… and the Negroes.” the separation is evident int he town- result of great depression and the time setting however also present today. Scout, younger, thinks -quote- “just one type of folks’, doesn’t acknowledge the prejduged ideas of the classes as she is sees clearer- unbias.
  • this separation of the maycomb is seen in the school setting involving the first school scene when Walters actions are ‘explained’ simply because “he’s a cunnigham’.
  • The class in Maycomb such as the Cunnighams, who are just ‘below’ people like the Finches, described by AUnt alexandra-quote- “I’ll tell you why, Because- he- is- trash, that why you can’t play with him, picking up is habits and learning…” – classism present in the town of maycomb- even most ‘respectab;e’ like a ‘lady’ holds extreme prejudice to class. refusing to let scout play with him. scout once again doesn’t understand- to her its clear- he’s a classmate and she wants a friend, to ant Alexandra, an adult, he is nothing more than trash because of the ideas she has conceived of his class.

b3: FInch house and school (setting)- sexism

  • scout keen as to go to school, only to find out she critsiced for being literate. sexist prejudices criticise her. tradiotnal roles of woman- gender roles. her teacher- quote-  “…looked at me with more than faint distaste.” because she could read. women seen as threat if intellgient- scout goes against prejudices- time setting very important also relative to today. the teacher only sees Scout’s advancement as a ‘wrong’ because of pre conceived ideas of what a girl should do, but Scout doesn’t get why she should have to act like she can’t read when she can- women hiding talents and things that could be a threat-adults so used to women being oppressed by the male sex.
  • Scouts house is actually full of sexist prejudice – comments from jem- rough quote- “acting more like girl everyday”. implies girl is bad but she is expected to be a ‘lady’- contradictory highlights societies discontent with females and how they are never happy with them- relevant then and today.
  • Scout recalling Aunt Alexandra in her house- quote-” I said I could do nothing in a dress, she said I wasn’t supposed to be doing things that required pants”. once again gender roles and scout refusing to conform to them. child not seeing adults view because not affected by prejudice and the brainwashing yet like aunt akexandra for instance in this setting.

each setting portrays the idea of the consumption and brainwashing prejudice can have on society.

Join the conversation! 1 Comment

  1. Hi Z!

    Your planning is so comprehensive – well done!

    A thought – can you make your idea more succinct? It needs to be easily identified and threaded throughout.

    I also think your paragraph on classism could use the first school scene to highlight this too.

    I look forward to seeing this in its writing stages.

    See you online tomorrow!



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